Monday, December 12, 2016

Laying Out A Path

A big thanks to the clouds for giving us an overcast day! However, the recent showers from a few days ago have made the weeds grow wild. Weeding as usual, but today marks the beginning of small walk path for the garden. It's great to see progress again!
Continuous trips to putting the mulch in the wheelbarrow.

Removing the weeds from the walk path.

The walk path covered in wet and dark brown mulch. It's a start!

Preparing for the addition of two wiliwili trees

Our sincerest apologies to our readers who are keeping up with the Malaola blog. There have been recent changes in the past few months on who will continue Malaola's growth. My name is Jamison Domingsil, and through the guidance of my colleague, Sayo, as well as reading and listening about the steady progress of Malaola, it is a privilege to take part of this special place and to carry out the visions of the garden that have been set in the past.

October Rains shower the garden inducing growth of unwanted weeds.

A special thanks to the volunteer crew of Monsanto for continually keeping the garden well-kempt.
One of the two wiliwili trees planted in November. They continue to look great in the garden to this day!